Middle Eastern Cuisine and Culture

The Mideast is a loosely defined geographical area. Except for Egypt, which is in Africa, and a portion of Turkey, which is in Europe, the majority of the Middle Eastern nations are in Asia. Because the majority of nations practice Islam as a religion, the Middle East is widely seen as an Islamic area.

Bahrain, Iraq, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Arabia, Syria, Turkey, Saudi the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen are among them. Most Middle Eastern food includes spices such as cardamon, cinnamon, coriander, pepper, fennel, garlic, ginger, tumeric, and others. I'll concentrate on three main Middle Eastern nations and their cuisine cultures. Visit a good Lebanese restaurant in Dubai!


It is a tiny nation on the eastern on the Mediterranean coast. Israel's cuisine is a fusion of Middle Eastern with European influences. Because of its mostly Jewish people, the diet requires all meals to be "Kosher" in terms of both kind and preparation. Olive oil, chickpeas, turmeric, field beans, and a variety of additional ingredients are popular. Falafel is a prominent Israeli cultural cuisine.

Falafel is a deep-fried ball comprised of ground chickpeas, fava beans, or a combination of the two. It is a typical Arab dish that is generally served in a pita pocket or folded in a flatbread known as lafa.

Falafel is considered to have begun in Egypt with the Copts, who cooked it as a meat substitute during Lent. They are currently available around the world as meat substitutes or as a sort of street cuisine. Falafel balls are frequently consumed as a snack or as component of a meze.


It is a tiny nation nestled along the Mediterranean Sea's coastline. They share the majority of their cuisine with their neighbours, Syria and Israel. Some of their foods have spread over the world, demonstrating their great Lebanese food. Lebanon is primarily a Muslim country; hence it follows Islamic dietary restrictions. Kibbeh and Tabbouleh are two classic Lebanese dishes. Contact us for Lebanese restaurant in Dubai!

Cuisines from system of Saudi Arabia

It is an oil-rich country that spans the Arabian Peninsula. It is a significant exporter of fresh vegetables to neighbouring nations. Saudi Arabia is a Muslim country that is home to the holy city of Mecca. Every year, a large number of Muslims from all around the world go to Mecca for pilgrimage. Al-kabsa, Basmati rice, Bukhari, and Saliq are popular Saudi dishes.

Al-kabsa is a classic rice dish from Saudi Arabia. Rice is frequently seasoned and prepared with chicken or lamb. It is a community meal that is consumed with the right wrist.

Bukhari rice dish is a traditional Saudi Arabian dish made with aromatic rice that has been cooked in spices. The dish originated in Afghanistan and therefore is typically served with chicken. This meal is served at weddings and other social gatherings. Saliq is a broth-cooked white rice dish. It is prominent in Saudi Arabia's Hijaz area.


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